Callie Danae Hirsch
Bio Statement --Contact - Resume - Artwork

October 2024 Shows!
click on images to enlarge

The Brooklyn Museum
celebrating their 200th Year Anniversary!

The Mystry Mart is making an
appearance in the gift shop
until January!

Brooklyn Museum gift shop

Art surprises!

Images mounted on wood with hanging feature.

callie art

The Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition presents its very own

Salon des Refusés 2024


Art at BWAC
until Oct. 13th, 2024

Saturdays & Sundays, 1pm to 6pm
BWAC Gallery, 481 Van Brunt Street, Red Hook, NY 11231

eternal echo

eternal echo, 62" x 82" acrylic on canvas

Sea Body i

Sea Body ii Sea Body iii

Acrylic on upcycled mannequins wil be on display

Gowanus Dredgers' Members Art Exhibition
Oct. 5 - Oct. 26th, 1 - 5pm
165 2nd Street, Brooklyn NY 11231

* I will be there on the 26th, come visit!


Callie artwork

Presenting new work and work for sale!

OPEN STUDIOS at Chashama Brooklyn
Oct. 19th & 20th, 2 - 6pm
I will be there both days, come on by!

Wine and cookies served!

BAT Building B, 4th floor (Brooklyn Army Terminal)
Street parking available, ferry parking closed for event



Public art showing in Maker Park through March 2025

Maker Park, Staten Island
450 Front Street & Thompson

(Four metal paintings and octopus photos on metal.)

Callie Hirsch Below the Storm
model 1

Click here for
Makerpark & Maker Space NYC photos
Completed in my Maker Space artist residency.

Which included 4 months of learning
plasma torch cutting, mig welding
and safely utilizing the angle grinder.
A huge thank you to Scott and DB for this opportunity.

Callie Hirsch The Serious Ink Press Journal
Volume 1, Issue 2

Full art spread inclusion!

To purchase:

Serious Ink Press

Callie Danae Hirsch permanent

MTA Arts & Design Commission
at Beach 105 Station, Rockaway NY

MTA Art & Designs

Faceted glass and epoxy, permanent public artwork.
Fabricated by Erskin Mitchell of Baton Rouge

@Kate Oh Gallery, NYC

Solo exhibition
April 2023

Callie Hirsch

(click picture for show photos)

All site content are ©Callie Hirsch 1996 and use is prohibited. for inquiries