Octopus's Garden
La Coruna Aquarium, Spain
(click on photo to enlarge) |
Octopus have three hearts. One heart to pump blue blood and two to pump to gills. The largest Giant Pacific Octopus, captured was 600 pounds with the arm span of 33 feet! |
It can match colors and patterns to blend in with it's environment. Its beak is the only hard part in it's entire body, it's bite is poisonous. The Blue-ringed Octopus of Australia can kill humans with it's bite. |
Much like the starfish, it can loose an arm if in danger and regrow it later. They shoot a black ink to disorient victims and preditors. The ink can also dull the preditor's sense of smell. It uses the suckers along it's eight arms for taste. |
The giant ocotpus lives only 3.5 years for females, 4 years for males. The female will lay over 50,000 eggs and guard over them with her life, for 6 months. She does this without eating for this time period. She only produces one nest in her lifetime.
2007 © Callie Danae Hirsch |