Callie Danae Hirsch
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Creatures and Things
Iridescent acrylic paint on black cotton etch paper

31" x 23"


Rhythm, motion, echolocation, sonar, and the swirling universe; aware or not, we are all deeply affected by the reverberations around us on a microcosmic and macrocosmic level.

Seductive patterns and flowing streams of energy, these pulsations move with an ethereal physicality, viscerally feel, threading throughout the series.

(click on picture to enlarge)


Sea pod

sea moon
jelly fish
squid octopus
sea creature
sea miracles fallen Star squid II octopie Green Mystery Curious Insect fancy fish
fish food puffers life gracious coral reef Humming Squid depths III Iguana Anteater
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All site content are © Callie Danae Hirsch
2006 and use is prohibited.